The false idea of what’s an infection

In the piercing industry, people tend to have a false perception of what really is an infection. In most cases, it is an irritation bump which creates a skin growth around or next to the jewelry, and will most likely have a reddish color. Although it does sound alarming, it’s always best to book a follow-up appointment with your piercer.

Irritation bumps are a common phenomenon that can be caused by multiple things:

  • A low-quality jewelry
  • Moisture accumulation around the jewelry (after a shower, wet hair)
  • Snagging or hitting your piercing
  • An incorrect angle, which causes pressure through the jewelry
  • Cleaning your piercing too much
  • Not cleaning your piercing enough (secretions buildup)
  • Beauty products on or around the jewelry
  • Sleeping on your healing piercing
  • Improper aftercare (usage of wrong products)
  • Changing to a hoop too soon
  • Swimming before healing completely (chlorine is irritating and waters contain bacteria that may cause an irritation)

Therefore, it’s always good to swing by your local professional piercer so they can do a proper follow-up and determine the cause of the irritation bump. More often than not, a proper fit or a better-quality piece of jewelry will suffice to help, and eventually resolve the issue.


Irritation bump caused by a wrong piercing angle

As for infection, we mostly see swelling that goes way past the piercing area, redness, warmth, pain and a yellowish/greenish, thick discharge that may have a foul smell. In the piercing industry, a professional piercer will always limit their advice to what they know best. They’ll be able to find temporary solutions and great advice but they will never be able to diagnose an infection. Only a doctor with a valid license will be able to, as well as prescribe medication and/or antibiotics. The piercer would be able to install a longer piece of jewelry if swelling is a major issue, check for possible infection signs and suggest to go see a doctor if necessary. In any case, the worst thing you can do if it really is an infection is to take out the jewelry. By taking out the jewelry, the tunnel is most likely going to close up and the infection will have no way to drain out of the body. Even though it may be worrisome, it is always best to go see a reputable piercer as soon as you can!


Exemple of an infection

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