The importance of downsizing

When making a new piercing, it is a must that the piercer installs longer bars / labret posts to allow enough room for initial swelling. This additional length will not only leave enough space for the area to swell, but also prevent the skin from wanting to grow over the jewelry. What most people ignore is that those longer pieces of jewelry should not be worn during the entirety of the healing process.

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Example of long bars that are ruining the healing process of the piercings

In fact, after a new piercing, the skin will inevitably swell in the following days / weeks. However, generally, this initial swelling lasts on average between the first four to eight weeks of the healing process, depending on the piercing that was performed. Once the swelling does down, it will be important to go back to your piercing and have the initial piece of jewelry downsized to something more fitting. This will prevent your piercing being snagged constantly, but also prevent it to migrate from its original angle:

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Once the piercing starts drifting (migrating from its original angle), there is no turning back. The drifting in itself can cause: redness, sensitivity, persisting swelling, a slower healing process, irritation bumps. In some cases, the removal of the jewelry is advised and if we want to get it re-pierced, it won’t be possible to do it at the exact same spot.

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Migrating of the piercing causes the jewelry to shift

Basically, it will be very important to listen to your piercer’s advice when they mention the downsize. It is a major step that should not be overlooked!

For more information on irritation bumps, please refer to our infections and irritation bumps blog.

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