Tattoos and sun exposure don’t go together

It is known that sun exposure on tattoos can not only harm the healing process of a tattoo, but also its longevity. When you are tattooed or when you’re getting a new tattoo, it is important to dose your exposure to UV rays. Now, what are the real risks of those rays? Generally speaking, the sun isn’t good for your skin and when you don’t protect yourself with appropriate sunscreen, it promotes premature aging of the skin as well as augmenting the risks of developing a form of skin cancer. As for tattoos, UV rays emitted by the sun penetrates the skin and burns the pigment, which causes the design to fade and sometimes even wash away.

Source: Google | Image of a tattoo before / after years of unprotected sun exposure.

As for a fresh, healing tattoo, the skin is already trying to heal the wound and is therefore in a more fragile state. When exposing it to the sun, you risk damaging, burning and scarring your skin, not to mention the damages it’ll do to your tattoo and the design’s integrity. Therefore, it is important to protect your skin with proper sunscreen with a sun protector factor of minimum 30, according to the Canadian Dermatology Association. It is also important not to forget to reapply frequently throughout the day to ensure its efficiency and to minimize the damages UV rays can have on your tattoos and your skin in general. As for us, we prefer SPF 60 to make sure your tattoos keep looking nice and fresh! 😉

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